
Hatori brawlhalla combos
Hatori brawlhalla combos

hatori brawlhalla combos

The only color aside from red across Hattori's entire appearance is the unearthly yellow gaze of her eyes, betraying her demonic blood. Regardless, Hattori's jet black hair both helps frame and accentuate the chalk-white and blood-red makeup, and is tied high on her head in a short, high tail with a bright red bow (or 'hachimaki'). The makeup implies symmetrical scars slashed into her cheeks, or perhaps the visage of her demonic eyes crying tears of blood. Painted a stark chalk-white, but with bright red paint lining her lower eyelid and drawing a line halfway down her cheek, Hattori's facial image purposefully horrifies her opponents. However, the most nightmarish aspect of Hattori's appearance is her face, which constantly wears a ruthless expression.


While her outfit is dark in places, the blood-colored apparel is designed to instill fear as well as allow free movement.


Overall, Hattori's red cloth outfit is very tight-fitting and designed to allow full movement and agility. Her legs otherwise wear tight-fitting pants (or 'zubon') and shoe-socks (or 'tabi'). Her wrists are bound and wrapped in this burgundy and a blood-red cloth, and her lower legs have been similarly wrapped in cloth. While sleeveless, the chest piece does have simple dark red shoulder pads that taper to a point. This is tied down with a similarly bright red belt (or 'obi') wrapped several times around her slender waist and knotted at the back. On her chest she wears a sleeveless burgundy jacket (or martial arts 'uwagi') edged with a blood-red cloth. Hattori wears a typical ninja outfit of dark burgundy and blood red. "A half-demon ninja who sold her soul to the devil? Well that's one, frankly rather negative, way of looking at it." - Hattori Appearance Through the eternal tournament Hattori slakes the lust for battle that threatens to consume her. It drove Hattori to wander the twilight passages until she discovered Valhalla. She became Queen of the Island Kingdom, but the demon blood burned in her. True to his word, the Demon exchanged his own blood with Hattori's, and Hattori slew Kagima and freed her sisters. In the City of the Onyx Castle, she met Kagima's own brother, who offered to give Hattori his strength to defeat his brother, in return for her hand in marriage. There Hattori found a bizarre world of talking stones and eight-armed ferrymen. Stork lord showed her the passages between the twilight and the night to the Demon's realm. Horrified by the consequences of her actions, Hattori built a boat out of reeds and pursued the Demon. But on the day the Demon Kagima arrived to challenge her, Hattori sensed his malevolent power and fled.Įnraged, the Demon kidnapped Hattori's three sisters and carried them away to his island kingdom. For years, new warriors came to court every day only to be defeated. Young Hattori was so gifted with the sword that the Emperor offered a prize of one thousand horses to anyone who could defeat her. It gets colder still." -#761 of Sokan's One Thousand Verses on the Demon Hattori "The night is freezing I sense the spear-bearer nearing.

Hatori brawlhalla combos