We've explored the mission choices, like what happens when you side with Holder or Ramsden in On The Blood Path, or when you tell Rhys to keep or lose mustache in Atlas at Last. We've listed the locations of Red Chests, Typhon Logs, Dead Claptrap Parts and Hijack Targets. If you're having trouble with other things in the game, you might want to check out some of the other guides we've written. When all three close, you’ll even get one extra piece of gear from the chest itself. When you select what you want from each of the three walls, they will close. Depending on the multipliers next to the icons above, you can select one or more guns, shields, and grenades. Ignore the panicked music, you have plenty of time. You have five minutes to grab to look over the wares and choose what you want. Use the key to open it, and the three walls behind it will open, allowing you access to all the cool guns, grenades, and shields. To use the Diamond Keys in Borderlands 3, go into the Diamond Vault and approach the chest in the middle of the room. So, how does this all work? Welp, let’s find out. One has a Grenade symbol, one a Gun symbol, and one with a shield. When you walk through the door, you’ll find a chest that says “Choose Wisely,” and three walls behind it. Borderlands 3 golden keys unlimited (Borderlands 3 shift codes - golden keys borderlands 3 - shift codes borderlands 3 codes)Like the video Subscribe now. Turn your back to the windows, and you’ll see the door right in front of you.
All you have to do is to go to the ships control board and hop over the railing to the level below. Gearbox is giving you a great way to jump start your time with the new DLC: a SHiFT Code for a whopping 10 Golden Keys, sure to keep your dopamine rush running for a few minutes at least. You’ll find in on Sanctuary III, right under the ship’s bridge. The Diamond Armory is a new room where you use Borderlands 3 Diamond Keys. Once you have a B元 Diamond Key, you need to use it in the Diamond Vault, which brings us to our next point. You can track these easily via the new tab in your ECHO. There’s also new Daily and Weekly missions that earn you huge XP boosts, both for you and the Card. You progress the Vault Card bar in basically any way that you earn regular XP: complete quests, kill enemies, explore the galaxy, etc. Leveling up the Vault Cards earns you various rewards: Legendary gear, cosmetics and, most importantly for us here, the B元 Diamond Keys.